Monday, May 9, 2011

Long Life: French Health Secrets

How often do you think of the BIG picture?

To be honest, small changes in daily activity can have dramatic
impact in the long run.  You buy a fuel efficient vehicle not
because it saves you 1 or 2 dollars at the pump, but because
it saves you thousands annually.  Health is the same.

Here are some well kept French secrets to a long and happy life.

-Reduce your portion size during meals.  They key is to eat small meals
throughout the day for gradual and sustained energy.

-Use your legs more often.  If you are running errands close to home, try
walking (if it's within reason).  Get outside and enjoy a cocktail of
sun and exercise.

-1 glass of red wine, everday!  Full of anti-oxidents, red is secret to
heart health.

-Explore new stress relieving techniques.  Sure you can squeeze the stress balls,
but explore new ways.  For example, if I'm feeling stressed I make or work on music,
I also go outside and kick the soccer ball around for a bit.  I enjoy both activities
and find that they help me relieve stress (plus, there is exercise involved).

Take it easy, one step at a time.  Incorporate these tips one at time and build an enjoyable
routine. Try not to shock your body with a variety of changes all at once.

Keep posted.  As I use these tips,  I'll be adding to this blog for quite some time!

You NEED to check this out!

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